quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

II Seminar “Developing New Literacies In Cross-Cultural Contexts”

September 14-17, 2010
University of Sao Paulo (USP)

EVENTO ABERTO AO PÚBLICO NOS DIAS 14, 15 (manhã e tarde) E 16 (manhã)

First Announcement

We have the pleasure to announce the II Seminar “Developing New Literacies In Cross-Cultural Contexts” to be held at the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, Brazil, from September 14-17, 2010.

The event comprises workshops to be offered by guest professors, symposia and coordinated paper sessions as well as theoretical studies and discussions of issues related to the English National Project. Guest scholars include:

Dr. Brian Morgan: York University, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Diana Brydon: University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Kathleen Matheos: University of Manitoba, Canada

Proposals for coordinated paper sessions are welcome and should be submitted by August 10th . Acceptance letters will be sent by August 31st. The official languages for the event are Portuguese and English and participants are to present in the same language as that in which they submitted their proposals. Please find below instructions for paper modality and proposal submission.

Information on accommodation, transportation and event program will be available soon in the Second Announcement.

We count on your participation!

For further information:
Local organizing committee


Coordinated paper sessions comprise presentation and discussion of three papers grouped in accordance of their themes and produced by researchers / post-graduate students conducting studies related to the teaching of English language and literature from the perspective of the new literacy and multiliteracies studies and their relation to recent globalizing processes. Each session will last 90 minutes - 20 minutes for each paper and 30 minutes for questions and general discussion.

Abstracts should be 200 words in length, size 12 Times New Roman, with the title in the center, in upper-case. Immediately below, on the right margin, the full author’s name, also in size 12 italics Times New Roman, followed by the abbreviation of the institution in parentheses, indicating PG, if a post-graduate student. Key words should also be provided.

Deadline for submissions: August 10th, 2010
Abstracts should be sent electronically to:

Um comentário:

  1. Boa noite, sou orientanda da Profa. Sandra Gattolin e gostaria de saber se ainda é possível fazer inscrição para o seminário.

    Aguardo retorno: email: simonetmramos@gmail.com
